+90 (216) 380 64 96

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We prepare our projects with an innovative and high quality understanding that is generally accepted in the whole world and not only in our country. One of our primary principles is to be reliable for our brand, which has been going on since 1967 with firm steps and strengthening. We always keep this principle on the ground, and we are committed to keeping this feeling uninterruptedly for both our teams and customers.



It adds value to life ...


Interior Architecture And Decoration Services

Nora Yapı offers interior design services in many different areas such as home, hotel, shop, office and cafe. We aim to create the most ideal designs by combining all our experience and imagination with customer expectations in the design and application processes of the area. Within the scope of our services, there are areas such as design, furniture decoration, as well as renovation, renovation and innovation. Together with our expert team, we are always on your side in projects that will keep customer expectations at the highest level.


Comments from the floor owners